Swami and Friends

illustrated reader
level 2

R.K. Narayan

Ordine di scuola Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado - Tutti tipi scuola 1° biennio

Area disciplinare Discipline lingue moderne

Materia INGLESE - Narrativa

Collana Password Readers

ISBN 9788842461739

Pp. 112

Euro 10,10

Swami and Friends tells of the growing up of a ten-year old Indian boy, Swami, in the town of Mulgudi in the 1930s, during the first days of the movement for independence from Britain.
At a time full of contradictions and ambiguities, Swami and his young friends can be enthusiastic nationalists while living lives which are influenced by all things British.
Narayan is perhaps the only writer who has captured in English the very essence of India.