The Black Arrow

illustrated reader
level 3

Robert Louis Stevenson

Ordine di scuola Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado - Tutti tipi scuola 1° biennio

Area disciplinare Discipline lingue moderne

Materia INGLESE - Narrativa

Collana Password Readers

ISBN 9788842462019

Pp. 112

Euro 10,10

The story takes place in England during the Wars of the Roses. The young protagonist Dick Shelton, an orphan, has been brought up by the cruel and cynical squire Sir Daniel Brackley. The meeting with a strange boy, John, who is mysteriously persecuted by Sir Daniel, changes Dick's life. Dick does not trust his guardian any longer and joins the men of the Black Arrow, outlaws who help the poor against the abuses of the rich. After a series of adventures, Dick is finally able to unmask his enemies and realize his dream...