Webinar per la Scuola primaria e secondaria

Why Pearson? An introduction to Pearson iProgress, a complete series for 3-19 year-olds for international schools

L'incontro online è stato posticipato a mercoledì 10 maggio, tutti i docenti iscritti in precedenza risultano correttamente iscritti alla data aggiornata. 

Consigliato ai docenti di Inglese della Scuola secondaria di secondo grado
mercoledì 10 maggio, dalle 15.30 alle 16.30

Abstract: Welcome to Pearson Edexcel, the world’s leading learning company and the UK’s largest awarding body. We have a simple mission: to help make a measurable impact on improving people’s lives through learning. If you’re an international school already offering a UK curriculum, or a school that is considering offering a UK curriculum, this presentation will take you through our academic qualifications, resources and support services, so students aged 3 to 19 can make the best progress they can through school to university, further education and employment. 

Supporting you and your students at every stage
iProgress is our complete series for 3 to 19 year-olds, for international schools. The iProgress family includes iPrimary, iLowerSecondary, International GCSE (IG), GCSE, International Advanced level (IAL), and GCE A Level, and delivers a consistent learning journey for students and teachers, everywhere in the world.

More than just a curriculum or qualification
iProgress offers professional development and training that keeps teachers up-to-date with the latest educational practices, supporting materials that make planning and teaching lessons easier, and student textbooks and online resources to make learning engaging, so you’ll have more time to focus on the development of your students’ progress.


Effie Stathopoulou is the Regional Development Manager for Balkans, Italy, Georgia and Armenia for the Pearson International Qualifications and Resources portfolio. 
Effie started with Pearson as an ELT consultant back in 2007, she has a bachelor's degree in Linguistics and holds two master's degrees, one in Computational Linguistics from the University of Patras and another in Cross cultural Communication and International Management from the University of Newcastle. Effie is the dog mother of 5 dogs and is passionate about her work in Pearson


Kevin Hiatt is a Senior Strategy Manager within the International Schools Curriculum Team at Pearson. Kevin has worked in education for over fifteen years and was previously a teacher and senior leader and still cherishes being able to make a real difference to children's education. Currently, he leads the development of the new Pearson International Curriculum and Pearson Edexcel international resources for ages 3-19. 



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Sanoma Italia è ente accreditato quale soggetto che offre formazione al personale della scuola (AOODGPER12676). I nostri seminari godono dell'esonero ministeriale.