Convegni Learning Academy

Convegno online: Trends and Innovations in English Language Teaching in Lower Secondary School

Practical ideas to use in Didattica Digitale Integrata

Quando: martedì 13 aprile, dalle ore 14.30 alle 18.30
Per chi: 
docenti di inglese della Scuola secondaria di primo grado

Programma del convegno

14:30 – Introduction

14:50 - Amy Malloy – Title: Self-care for teachers and students

AbstractIn this caring and practical session, we won’t be putting anything else on your plate. This one is about looking after you and your students. Together, we’ll look at the reality of the current mental health situation and clarify exactly why any feelings you and your students are experiencing are a totally normal human response to an abnormal situation. We’ll also explore techno-stress, and how the impact of full-time digital working isn’t helping mental health. Then we’ll practise ways to help, so you come out of the session feeling calmer, more grounded, and equipped with a little take-away toolkit to help your students too.

15:35 - Letizia Cinganotto - Inputs and practical ideas for teaching CLIL at Scuola secondaria di primo grado

The presentation will be aimed at highlighting inputs and practical examples of CLIL activities at scuola media, also referring to the new textbook iDiscover published by Pearson. Particular attention will be addressed to the use of learning technologies for CLIL, mentioning the added value of videos in a CLIL class. Reference will also be made to the Handy Little Guide to distance teaching and to the Handy Little Guide to debate published by Pearson in order to offer practical inputs for CLIL pathways in remote or hybrid learning scenarios.

16:20 - Mark Thompson - Beyond 2021: Pearson Digital Teaching Tools

“The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't really even notice it, so it's part of everyday life.” Bill Gates.

Abstract: In this session we will explore how Pearson's digital learning environment can help you easily manage lessons in class, online or in a hybrid context. Move seamlessly from one lesson format to another with familiar instructional tools to optimise results in the language learning class. Join us to find out about how we are building inclusion, compatibility across platforms like Google Classroom and accessible digital materials for all learners. Teach and learn how, where and when works best for you and your students.

16:50 - Break

17:10 - Roy Bennett - Listen up! Opening ears and minds. Helping students to develop listening skills in and outside the classroo

Abstract: Good listening skills are not just vital for effective communication; by helping our students to become effective listeners, we can also help them to become compassionate and understanding global citizens. However, many students struggle with this skill. How can we teach listening? In this session, we will look at ways of introducing listening activities. We will examine how teaching pronunciation can help develop listening skills, and how exposing our students to different varieties of spoken English can build their confidence. We will also discuss various listening strategies that can be used in test situations. Finally, we will explore how authentic video can be used to improve listening skills while raising our student’s awareness of important global issues, thus opening both their ears and minds!


18:10 – Conclusion


Amy Malloy is passionate about simplifying access to wellbeing through communication and teaching. With an extensive background in ELT publishing, she is a yoga and mindfulness teacher, editor, writer, doodler, and designer. You can learn more about her work and teachings and practise with her at

Mark Thompson has worked in ELT for over 20 years, 17 as a teacher and 6 as a consultant. He has taught in Canada, Japan and Italy and is now specialised in developing digital solutions for schools at Pearson Italy. Mark lives in Milan where much of his work is focused and has been delivering teacher training there and further afield through his time at the company.

Roy Bennett has worked for Pearson Italia since 2012. In his role as ELT Teacher Training Coordinator, he is involved in writing and delivering seminars and workshops on such topics as mediation, teaching speaking and online assessment. He holds a DipTESOL from Trinity College London and is a certified Pearson Master Trainer.


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