Webinar per docenti di Inglese

New ideas and strategies for teaching and evaluating in different scenarios

Face to face in the classroom, hybrid, blended, online, remote

Quando: martedì 27 aprile, alle ore 17.00
Per chi: 
docenti di ogni ordine e grado

Abstractduring the webinar Letizia and Donatella will present some new trends for teaching, learning and assessing English, fostering the 21st century skills, together with the linguistic skills. Among the teaching strategies Debate and Extensive Reading will be mentioned, also referring to the Handy Little Guide to Extensive Reading and to Debate published by Pearson. Considering the more and more flexible and hybrid educational scenarios due to Covid-19 emergency, some suggestions and practical tips will be provided for remote teaching and learning, taken from the Pearson ‘ Handy Little Guides to Debate, Extensive Reading and Distance Learning’ written by Letizia Cinganotto.

Letizia Cinganotto is a full time Researcher at INDIRE (National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research), Italy. She holds a BA in foreign languages, MA in ELT, in e-Learning and multimedia Learning and a PhD in Synchronic, Diachronic and Applied Linguistics. She has far-reaching experience in continuous professional development for teachers, teacher trainers, head teachers. She is a member of different Working Groups and Scientific Committees on CLIL and languages both at national and international level (European Commission, OECD, Council of Europe, ECML). Her main research areas are language learning/teaching, CLIL, Technology-Enhanced Language Learning, school innovation, teacher training. She has presented papers at national and international conferences and published articles and chapters and four volumes on CLIL. She is a reviewer and a member of the Editorial Board of different peer-reviewed journals. She is a member of the ECML "Pluriliteracies" consultancy team.

Donatella Fitzgerald is a teacher, teacher trainer and trained to teach paws b,.b and .breathe (Mindfulness in Schools project ) and is trained to teach the 6 week Pearson Academy Mindfulness course for teachers. Her specialist interest areas are CLIL, Young Learners, Mindfulness, Debate, Assessment, SEN and Extensive Reading. In her current role as ELT Sales Manager Pearson she works with teachers and students every day to find solutions to help them achieve their teaching and learnin and learning goals.


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