Webinar per docenti di Inglese

Learn Prove Move!

New ideas, fun and inclusive activities for teaching English in the Primary classroom with GO Kids



In this webinar we will look at easy and fun ways to make English lessons in the primary classroom enjoyable and inclusive with GO Kids, starting from welcoming students in 1a Elementare through to preparing our students in 5a for the INVALSI test and Scuola Secondaria I Grado. We will look at new ideas for storytelling, listening and Speaking, CLIL, home practice, building vocabulary and teaching language structures in a clear and meaningful context. We will also look at helping students learn through using songs and games and total physical response. The webinar will also illustrate ideas for teaching citizenship, UN Global Sustainable Development Goals and encourage collaboration in the primary classroom. We will also see how approaches such as mindfulness can help children build resilience and calm.

Consigliato ai docenti della Scuola primaria.

Il webinar si svolgerà giovedì 12 marzo 2020, alle ore 17.00.

Il relatore

Donatella Fitzgerald is from London and she is a teacher and teacher trainer. Her specialist interest areas are CLIL, Special Educational Needs, Assessment, Efficacy in teaching and learning, Teaching Young Learners, Mindfulness and the implementation in the English Language Classroom of Extensive Reading. In her current role as ELT Sales Manager at Pearson Italy she works closely with teachers and publishers to provide teaching and learning solutions to meet the needs of teaching in the 21 st century in Italy.


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