Webinar per docenti di Inglese

New ideas and activities for the start of the school year in the Primary classroom

Back to school Primary English courses (Go/Go On!, Pop English, Top Secret Premium) and the Amazing Little Readers Primary Reading project



In this workshop we will give practical ideas and activities for the back to school period and on how to make the most of the materials that can be used with Pearson’s Primary Courses (with specific reference to Go/Go On!Pop English and Top Secret Premium). We will also look at some ideas for introducing storytelling into the classroom and engaging students with reading through the Amazing Little Readers reading project and a new project for Primary teachers preparing students for Pearson Test of English Young Learners International Certification.

Consigliato ai docenti della Scuola primaria.

Il webinar si svolgerà giovedì 26 settembre 2019, alle ore 17.00.

Il relatore

Donatella Fitzgerald is from London and she is a teacher and teacher trainer. Her specialist research areas are CLIL, Special Educational Needs, Assessment, Mindfulness, Teaching Young Learners and the implementation in the English Language Classroom of Extensive Reading. In her current role as ELT Sales Manager at Pearson Italy she works closely with teachers and publishers to provide teaching and learning solutions to meet the needs of teaching in the 21st century in Italy.


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