The Taming of the Shrew

illustrated reader
level 3

William Shakespeare

Ordine di scuola Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado - Tutti tipi scuola 1° biennio

Area disciplinare Discipline lingue moderne

Materia INGLESE - Narrativa

Collana Password Readers

ISBN 9788842461494

Pp. 96

Euro 10,10

One of Shakespeare's most popular comedies, The Taming of the Shrew is set in Italy and relates the story of a rich merchant's attempts to find suitable husbands for his two daughters, Katherina and Bianca. The gentle and beautiful Bianca has no shortage of ardent suitors, but who will risk his domestic happiness with the bad-tempered and proud Katherina?
Tempted by her father's promise of a large dowry, Petrucchio offers himself as her husband.
Will he succeed in eventually taming the "shrew"?